Friday, April 8, 2011

Oppression Against Immigrants in the US

  Immigrants are considered a minority and we all now that minorities have been oppressed through all of history. Oppressed for they wanting to have a better life in the "Land of Opportunities".  This is why the US is considered such an hypocrisy.

  Ever since immigrants came to the US, they've had the fault for everything. They have been blamed for the lack of jobs, for diseases spreading, and especially criticizing "alien" immigrants. They have been rejected in society; this is where their little communities come from. They get so rejected that they make their own little communities with their own race of people to feel comfortable with each other, like having their own piece of home with them. A great example of this is the Chinese and how they make their "Chinatowns".

  They all come for one reason to the US and that is to have a better life. So why should they be treated differently from anyone if they say that the US is the "Land of Opportunities". Since we all now that all human beings are equal, why should we oppress others?


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