Monday, April 18, 2011

Classmate's Rights Response

1. Nestor Flores:
    His blog was really interesting because its actually really true that they don't really help a lot the people with disabilities.

2. Itze Magana:
     It really nice how she really defended the Homosexual society when not many people do

3. Ivania Colon:
     I like the fact how the really stated how criminals were treated after they come out of jail.

4. Bianca Alvarez:
    I really liked this one because its something that is really affecting our island of Puerto Rico.

5.Ruben Colon:
   I like the fact how he states that the students are not being heard by the government.

6. Roxanne Fuentes:
    It's nice how she stated the confusion with the race of our people and how it can offend us.

7. Randy Bones:
   He really states how veterans haven't gotten nothing more then the respect hey deserve, but they do deserve more rights.

8. Nicole Texidor:
    She really wanted them to be treated as equal as any other person in the US no matter what disabilities they had.

9. Mariah Perez:
   I liked how she showed that women are just as important as men as they should be treated as equals.

10. Kathy Quinones:
     It really true how people should follow the religion that they believe and the god they want to worship.

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