Monday, April 18, 2011

Classmate's Rights Response

1. Nestor Flores:
    His blog was really interesting because its actually really true that they don't really help a lot the people with disabilities.

2. Itze Magana:
     It really nice how she really defended the Homosexual society when not many people do

3. Ivania Colon:
     I like the fact how the really stated how criminals were treated after they come out of jail.

4. Bianca Alvarez:
    I really liked this one because its something that is really affecting our island of Puerto Rico.

5.Ruben Colon:
   I like the fact how he states that the students are not being heard by the government.

6. Roxanne Fuentes:
    It's nice how she stated the confusion with the race of our people and how it can offend us.

7. Randy Bones:
   He really states how veterans haven't gotten nothing more then the respect hey deserve, but they do deserve more rights.

8. Nicole Texidor:
    She really wanted them to be treated as equal as any other person in the US no matter what disabilities they had.

9. Mariah Perez:
   I liked how she showed that women are just as important as men as they should be treated as equals.

10. Kathy Quinones:
     It really true how people should follow the religion that they believe and the god they want to worship.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Immigrant Proposal

  Immigrants, just like anyone else, deserve the respect that any human being deserves. The word "humanity" means the quality of being humane and kind. Now isn't this what we all want? I bet we all do. Being treated as equals and living like brothers is the dream that will unite this country and it will then live up to its name of the United States of America.

  Immigrants from now on will have all the privileges that any other american has. No more of the Racial  Profiling and discrimination to our fellow brothers.  Any citizen of this country will work for what he or she desires no matter the race or ethnicity. They will now have more privileges leaving and entering the country and crossing borders. They deserve what any other american has and will be given to them.

  United as brothers we will succeed as a family. Hopefully peace will prosper over the country. Like the great Martin Luther King Jr. said "We must learn to live as brothers or we will perish like fools".


Changes in Immigrant Rights

  Years pass and things change, so do laws about immigrants. During this past years a couple of laws have been passed denigrating immigrants. They do seem really unfair and this shouldn't be this way.

  This past years their have been laws passed in some states that are extremely racist and denigrating to immigrants. This law is called Racial Profiling and what it does is that police stop people, depending on how people look if they look latin or not american, and stop them and investigate them and ask them for their papers. This is really racist and shouldn't be done. Another thing that is happening is discrimination on jobs, and not just any job, its in California's Police Department. Where other policemen treat hard working latin officers as garbage just for their ethnicity.

  As you can tell, many of the laws passed for immigrants have not been in favor to hem. The fact is that they are literally trying to rid of them in some way or another. This is just unfair and something has to be done against this hypocrite government of the US.

Immigration Struggles & Activism

  Minorities have never been treated the way they should but that doesn't mean they don't fight for their rights. Immigrants do fight for their rights in many ways. This shows how much the immigrants want to be treated as equal as anyone else that lives in the US.

imgres.jpg  Immigrants want their voice to be heard and no t be ignored. They try to do this by making protest and marching in cities with hundreds or even thousands of immigrants. One example of this was when immigrants all over the US marched the streets of their cities protesting immigration laws in May 1, 2006. This included people of all ages fighting for what they believe is the right thing. This protest were in peaceful way, immigrants don't want to cause chaos, they just want to be heard and be treated as equals.

 We all understand what the immigrants are trying to do, and its exactly what anyone that's been treated unfairly would do, fight for their rights. Immigrants do the best they can to be heard by doing marches or even parades for people to see how many immigrants do live among them and deserve to be treated as equal as anyone else. Were all humans so we all should be treated as equals.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Oppression Against Immigrants in the US

  Immigrants are considered a minority and we all now that minorities have been oppressed through all of history. Oppressed for they wanting to have a better life in the "Land of Opportunities".  This is why the US is considered such an hypocrisy.

  Ever since immigrants came to the US, they've had the fault for everything. They have been blamed for the lack of jobs, for diseases spreading, and especially criticizing "alien" immigrants. They have been rejected in society; this is where their little communities come from. They get so rejected that they make their own little communities with their own race of people to feel comfortable with each other, like having their own piece of home with them. A great example of this is the Chinese and how they make their "Chinatowns".

  They all come for one reason to the US and that is to have a better life. So why should they be treated differently from anyone if they say that the US is the "Land of Opportunities". Since we all now that all human beings are equal, why should we oppress others?


Thursday, April 7, 2011

Immigration Rights

  Immigration is a great part of the US and all around the world. People are always moving from their homeland to other places in search of better life. The problem is, will they have the rights they desire to have in the place they will migrate.

  An approximate of 1.8 million people migrate to the US every year; including legal and illegal immigrants. They are usually treated differently and thrown t the side. This is why they make like their own little societies in the community. Immigrants not only have a tough life in the US but also to be approved as a citizen. Not everyone can become a US citizen.

  The first great wave of immigration came in 1820-1880. This was mostly Europeans from the north and west. The US is just a melting pot of different cultures.          imgres.jpg